GCSE Mathematics
*The GCSE Mathematics course provides an opportunity for students wishing to improve their confidence and skills in numeracy and gain a qualification in GCSE Mathematics, which is a fundamental requirement for many careers. Students have many reasons for taking this course, including furthering their education, employment opportunities or seeking to support children in school. The intermediate tier delivered at the college allows students to achieve the B grade GCSE, which is now a requirement for many teaching and nursing degrees.
Entry Requirements
None Career Prospects A grade C in GCSE maths is required for many jobs. An increasing number of universities and courses require a B grade as part of their entry requirements.
Course Details
The main topics covered in the course are:
Number Algebra and Graphs Probability
Shape, Space and Trigonometry
Handling and presenting Data
The course is a one year course which is delivered using a variety of different teaching techniques.
There are two examinations which take place in May and June.
Both papers make up 50% of the final mark.
Paper 1 – Non calculator Paper
Paper 2 – Calculator Paper The following grades are available E, D, C and B.
Additional Costs
Students will need to purchase a calculator, protractor, ruler, compass etc. STUDY MODE Part-time